
Why Join the NPCOPA?

A strong membership will:

  • help us to build and sustain an association independent from our employer.
  • provide us with solid financial footing and allow us to consult experts such as in the field of federal labour relations.
  • allow us to formally approach our employer and seek written agreements on a variety of issues.
  • show your support for the officer cadre in having a collective voice and representation moving forward.
  • provide you with independent legal indemnification insurance coverage.
  • give you access to our NPCOPA Members only section, which will include an array of useful information on a variety of topics.
  • provide you an opportunity to help build this association to suit the needs of the officer cadre.

Still have Questions?


Frequently Asked Questions

Please join NPCOPA and access our expanded Q&A section in the members only section.

We Want to Hear from You!

  • We plan on holding town halls to provide more information and answer your questions. In the interim, please contact us so we can answer any questions you may have. 
  • If you want to become involved and support this tremendous step, please contact your interim divisional/regional director.